6 Spring Bulbs You Must Have By Bryanna Sweeney

6 Spring Bulbs You Must Have

By Bryanna Sweeney


And all the woods are alive with the murmur and sound of Spring,

 And the rose-bud breaks into pink on the climbing briar,

 And the crocus-bed is a quivering moon of fire

 Girdled round with the belt of an amethyst ring.


Oscar Wilde (2014) “Poems”, p.37, Simon and Schuster.


There’s a grand stretch in the evening. There, I said it. The snowdrops have long broken through the frost signalling an end to the dark mornings and evenings. It’s time to get excited about spring. Gather your compost and dust off the pots and your trowel and grab a selection of the most popular bulbs available. If you forgot to put some spring bulbs in the ground last autumn, do not fear. Many of these will grow in containers with good drainage. Pop them in a bright spot where you can observe their growth.  

Of course, there are lots of other budding bulbs for you to discover however if you seek simplicity and less stress in the garden, then no matter what type of gardener you are, these bulbs are easy to grow and easy to nurture. They can hang out in a window sill trough or a small pot on the office desk. A selection of these beauties will revamp any flower patch. Watch out for pets as these bulbs may be harmful to them.


1. Crocus

Similar to the snowdrop, the delicate crocus is one of the first flowers to punch its way through the winter soil. It’s no wonder that, in the language of flowers, crocus means cheerfulness. Grouping this flower so they can mass to create a majestic carpet across the lawn or simply line them along a border of a fence or wall to soften the seams 

2. Daffodil

The nodding head of the daffodil is blossoming on every roundabout island in the country, as well as lining footpaths and enlivening public parks. Best planted in groups or mixed with an assortment of another bulbous bloom. Daffodils are sweetly fragranced with very sticky sap which is why you will find yourself changing the water in a vase of daffodils frequently. While we are used to the buttercup yellow daffodils, they also come with white petals. Smaller headed varieties are becoming more popular like the 'tete-a-tete' mini daffodil or the dainty white jonquils. 

3. Tulip

Available in countless colours and types than ever before. Whether they have flamed, feathered or smooth petals, good quality tulips will continue to grow when cut. Tulips can grow from seeds but take between 7 and 12 years to form a flowering bulb. When a tulip flowers, the original bulb disappears leaving its clone behind so the cycle can continue.

4. Hyacinth

My personal favourite and go-to bloom when I want my house to smell like the perfume counter at BT. The hyacinth’s petals emit a strong odour, quite prominent if placed in a small room. When it's time to cut the flower, leave the foliage intact so the bulb can take what energy is left to harness it for next year. Most commonly available in cerise pink, purple-blue and snow white. If you’re not sure what colour the flower will be, it’s usually the colour of the bulb.

5. Iris

Another Dutch favourite. Irises can be grown from bulbs or rhizomes (like a ginger root). Both forms come in various types that grow tall, short, bearded, blousy or sharp. As a cut flower, the iris comes in purple but you can grow white, pink and maroon-coloured irises in your garden or containers.

6. Allium

The ornamental onion, although it’s worth noting that Allium translates to garlic in Latin. But it’s all relative. Alliums are tall with a light globular head. Planting in groups will [create an impressive feature.]Like a firework. Look out for these eye-catching florals in late Spring or ask your florist for a list of available spring blooms.

Enjoy getting back in the garden and your nails caked with earth. If you're anything like me, you've probably forgotten where in the garden you planted those bulbs which means you’re in for a pleasant surprise every year.

6 Spring Bulbs You Must Have By Bryanna Sweeney